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Welcome to our Tips & Tricks page. POWERpoints provide help in creating your own PowerPoint presentations. Presentation Tips provides general information to make your presentation or event more effective and memorable.

Do you have any questions you would like answered? If so, click here and we'll do our best to address them and include them in the next update.

We also invite you to visit the online version of our newsletter, Fleet Street, with more tips and tricks, plus articles of interest for all presenters and event organisers.


How do I ensure that colours, fonts etc are consistent between 2 objects?
The format painter tool (the paintbrush icon) will allow you to apply text, colour and line attributes to another object.
Sometimes when I apply a template to a presentation, the colours don't change. How do I fix this?
Using the master colour scheme when designing a template allows you to globally change colours when applying a different template to a presentation.
I want to smoothly go from 1 presentation to another in slide show. Is this possible?
In PowerPoint, you can create links to other parts of the presentation, other PowerPoint presentations or other files or applications. Links can be created from action buttons, pictures or any other object.
I added a video clip to my presentation. When I moved the presentation to another computer, it didn't work. What went wrong?
When adding multimedia such as video or audio to your PowerPoint file, always ensure that the audio / video file is resident in the same directory as your presentation. When copying your presentation to another PC, make sure you include the multimedia files as well, and keep them together in the same directory to maintain the link.
I want to modify a file and retain it's file name but my computer won't let me! What should I do?
To change the read-only properties of a file, click on the file name in Windows Explorer, right mouse click and select properties. In the properties dialog box, uncheck the read-only box. You can then modify the file and resave it using its existing file name. Files copied from a CD onto your computer are, by default, read-only.


Presentation Tips
Always let the conference organiser know well ahead of time what your specific AV requirements will be. Remember, the most important part of any presentation is planning.
When creating text slides, builds can be a good way of keeping your audience on track. Use slide show - custom animation - and try some build effects to see which works best fo you.
Your audience, venue and equipment will all effect the format and structure of your presentation. Do the planning ahead of time for an effective presentation.
Avoid using serif typefaces (like times roman) in slide shows. They can become jagged on screen and hard for your audience to read. The best typefaces for slide shows are sans serif fonts (such as Arial).
If someone at the back of the room can't read an image, then it's useless as a visual aid. Provide detailed information as a handout if necessary.
When putting in transition and animation effects to your images, try to limit the types of effect you use. Using every effect in the book is a sure way to give your audience motion sickness.


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